Selasa, 24 Januari 2012

Contoh teks Pidato mengenai kesehatan

Hoi hoi~ Akhirnya setelah beberapa dekade (?) gue bisa ngepost jugoo~ Maap gue jarang posting .____. I have nothing to post here dan gue terlalu males buat ngepost.

Sooooooo i got an assignment from my Bahasa Indonesia teacher and he told me to post it here. Sebenernya gue males tapi karena gue anak yang patuh pada guru, jadi gue post kesini~

So here it is:

Salam sejahtera untuk kita semua

Pertama, marilah kita panjatkan syukur kepada tuhan yang maha esa atas nikmat yang telah ia berikan dan atas rahmat-Nya kita bisa bertemu dan berkumpul bersama disini. Teman-teman bapak dan ibu guru sekalian, dalam kesempatan kali ini, saya akan membicarakan bagaimana cara untuk tetap sehat.

Bagi kita, kesehatan sangatlah penting. Kesehatan itu mahal. Belum tentu kalau kalian punya uang, kalian bisa terus sehat sepanjang tahun. Harta berlimpah tidak ada gunanya jika tubuh kita tidak sehat.

Rabu, 14 Desember 2011

Thanks :)

Dear; You.

Do you remember?

25 Juli 2011, It's my first day of high school dan hari pertama gue kenalan sama lu. 
Pertama kali kenalan, gapernah gue bisa nyangka kalau gue bakal bisa deket sama lu lebih lanjut

1 month later.

24 Agustus, it's the first time i felt like this with you
and i think you feel the same.

Lu call gue di skype, i answered you and we were talking about random things for almost 2 hours

Hari lain, lo call gue lagi dan tanpa sengaja lo ngomong "ya lu kan bocah gue"
gue jawab ".....bocah lu? jadi...jadi...jadi....kamu itu om saya?"
lu diem, ketawa, dan jawab "iya bocahkuuuu"

And i smiled.

Jumat, 18 November 2011

Reverse - Karl Meyer


Reverse - Karl Meyer. seriously, this song is epic. there's no lyric on it. i heard this song when i watched On the Spot on Trans7. OMG i was alone at that time and this song was FREAKING ME OUT.

sumpah gue penasaran sama lagunya, jadi gue search di Youtube dan KETEMU! ini printscreennya

actually, the song was not really scary. but try to listen the song alone. in the night. GOD.

Deforestation - Essay for Biology

i got this assignment for Biology. My teacher told me to make an Essay about this fcking topic and at least 300 words in 1 hour! omfg being a high school student sure is though -__________-

karena gue anak baek yang suka membantu sesama, gue posting tuh essay gue di blog ini~ hope this would help you~

Trees are one of the most important things of the planet we live in. Trees are really important to the environment, animals, and of course for us, humans. But do you know, according to some data, more than 50 percent of the tree cover has disappeared because of human activity. Do you ever heard the word “Deforestation”? What do you think Deforestation is? Well, Deforestation in Bahasa Indonesia is “Penebangan Hutan”. In simple definition, Deforestation would be removing trees from forests or rainforests and usually done by logging or burning down the trees, to change the use of land or etc.



okay, i'm officially graduated from junior high school, and now i'm a HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT.

fuck yeah i'm so fcking awesome

OKEEE gue males pake bahasa inggris sih. jadi intinya blog lama gue yang udah males gue urusin.

Kalau di blog lama, gue ngobrolin tentang anime-anime sama asal copas dari web web ga jelas, sekarang gue bakal sering sering RANDOM disini~ kalau nggak curhat di blog, masukin rekomendasi2 gue *yang gajelas tentunya* sama masukin pelajaran2 gue~

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